28° in November!
The season is over, the last guests left November 2 and we enjoyed a final swim in the 28° heated pool before we closed it for the winter. We have met a LOT of nice people this year as well and are looking forward to prepare Ferrarotti for welcoming guests also in 2023.
The plumber and the heat pump for heating the house. Very good job done!
It has been an active year… Many guests from all over Europe (plus USA and Malaysia), full “revamp” of the garden, installing the solar panels and battery, the heat pump for pool heating and a large heat pump for heating the house. Quite intense. Such projects are not always compatible with having guests... We had some very interesting weeks where we had to get up at 5 in the morning to check the fuses and jump-start the heat pump to have hot water for the guests’ morning shower. In addition, the electricity some times shut off when a car was plugged in for charging - not very nice when somebody is preparing dinner - but finally the the electrics is OK and the two chargers for electric cars are working very well :-). It is clearly not boring at all to be host when works like these are ongoing…., but now all projects are successfully finished!
We will have more than enough to do to develop Ferrarotti also the coming months, both in the house, in the garden / surroundings and in our small vineyard. We want be as much “self-sufficient” as possible regarding energy consumption and offer our guests an environmentally friendly place to enjoy their holidays in tranquility. A lot of work and investments, but we are getting there. And, not to forget… - the 2022 wine is looking - tasting - very good and will most likely be bottled in March/April, well in time for the new season.
We are planning to open Ferrarotti for guests in the Easter 2023 and from mid-May to mid-October next year. We can also open for groups of guests in other periods, based on request.
We appreciate very much all the positive feedback from guests and also ideas for improvements both for Ferrarotti as a property and facilities for guests staying with us. Thank you!
Hope to see you next year!
Our very best regards,
Anne & Geir